The Full Story
It all started when I was 6 years old, and I begged my parents to buy me a whiteboard so I could play “teacher” in my room with my stuffed animals. From my earliest years, I held a deep admiration for the educators who guided me, and the prospect of joining their ranks became the singular focus of my dreams. As time progressed and I reached high school, I found myself seated in a Health class that left me questioning the relevance of the material presented. While I appreciated the subject matter, I couldn't ignore the outdated textbook images reminiscent of the 1980s, the uninspiring fill-in-the-blank worksheets, and the monotonous delivery of information by the teachers...I mean come on!!! Health class is where we talk about sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll; okay not exactly, but why am I taking Cornell notes on how to put a condom on?!
Throughout my undergraduate experience, credential program, student-teaching, and master’s education, I continued to see archaic health content that was just straight up boring. Time and again, as well-meaning, seasoned educators generously shared their resources with me, I found myself astounded by the staleness of the materials presented to their students. I couldn't help but gasp in disbelief as I realized that the materials were strikingly similar to what I had encountered twelve years prior during my own high school education.
It was from this dissatisfaction that Not Your Mama's Health Teacher was born. The mere thought of utilizing another outdated PowerPoint presentation, monotonous assignment, or stale performance task became inconceivable to me. Motivated by a desire to provide contemporary health and nutrition content that resonates with the current generation, I took it upon myself to create engaging and cutting-edge digital resources that not only captivate the eye but also adhere to educational standards.
A quote by Seth Godin resonates deeply within me: "Not adding value is the same as taking it away." As a next-generation health educator, I embrace the responsibility of contributing to the advancement of my field by sharing my meticulously crafted, student-friendly resources with my colleagues.
Beyond the confines of the classroom, I am an active member of my church, a dedicated wife, a mama to my beautiful baby girl, a loving dog owner, an eternal student, and a fervent enthusiast of sports and fitness. I embody the principle of practicing what I preach (or teach) as a guiding mantra in my life. My utmost desire is for my students to comprehend the essence of this principle and possess the skills necessary to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. It is my sincere hope that the resources I have created will empower you to accomplish the same.
Happy Teaching,

Master of Arts (M.A.) Curriculum Design and Instruction - Vanguard University of Southern California.
Single Subject Teaching Credential Health Science - Vanguard University of Southern California.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Psychology - Vanguard University of Southern California.